My name is Melissa Vigoren-Garcia and genealogy is a passion, obsession and an addiction of mine. I have been into genealogy since 2001 when I came across my great great grandfather’s obituary online. Being only 14 at the time, this was uncommon for someone my age. I was lucky enough that my mother has the same passion for genealogy as I do. Since 2001, we have expanded our family by 1000's of ancestors and 100's of years. Meeting new family and other people as passionate as I am, gives me a drive and pushes me harder to keep researching and educating myself.
My love and passion has taught me quite a bit, not only about my family but about the places they came from. We take for granted what we have today, but without our ancestors and what they went through to get here, we wouldn't be who we are and have what we have. One of my favorite quotes from an unknown author is, "Remember and honor family who have come and gone before you, because they had a hand in shaping who you are."
My journey has led me to solving mysteries that have been around for generations in my family, and making the connection to our “mystery” family with documented proof. By doing so, it has led to my dream of writing a book based on one of the lines of my family dating back to 1677 in Germany. The hardest part is when to "stop" and print a first draft. The best part, calling and contacting other members of my family that we never knew were related. Genealogy is never ending. There is always new information you can find and add to your tree and more information you can find on an existing ancestor.
The reason for starting this blog is to bring you along on this journey, with not only myself, but the help of my husband and parents. Without them none of this would be possible. We would like to share our experiences and journey with you all though the heartwarming stories and challenges on finding the home for the family heirlooms and treasured memories. We would like to share the emotions we feel with you so you can experience the gratitude we get out of it. I know that some of these will be challenging and difficult but the end results is all worth it.
I do like helping other people research their family and give them tips and pointers on where to begin. I use multiple sites to perform my research and some are pretty costly. If you would like to donate to help me make peoples dreams come true in being reunited with the family belongings, it would be greatly appreciated. If you would like help and guidance in researching you family, please contact me directly at If you would like to start your family tree journey and see what there is out there on your family please check out . I look forward to you following me on our journey and getting to know you.
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