This is a military chest that belonged to Richard Patrick McJilton and I believe he was born August 3, 1947 in California. This was shipped from Wiesbaden, Germany to Capitola, CA. In 1973 I believe he was married to Cathy Elaine Woodruff. From research I have found that they had two sons. Michael is/was married to Jennie Loftis McJilton and Marcus is married to Leslie (Unknown) McJilton. If you know their childen can you please send them the link to this page to get this back in the hands of the family. From what I see they are still in California. I know that Richard's wife has passed on but believe that he is still alive and living in the Santa Rosa area of California.  If you have any information on Richard or his children, please contact me.

UPDATE 1: I spoke with Richard McJilton last night (1/7/2016). He was showing this to his sons to  see how to get this back to him/them. He seemed excited for this item to be found and has no idea how it ended up where it did.

UPDATE 2: I received a response from Richard's son Marcus on 8/19/2016. After we get settled into our new home we will make arrangements to get this home. He would love to have it home to be able to give to his son, Richard's grandson.

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